Change Measures, Metrics and Data 

At CUE-X we hear a lot of leaders talk about “change fluff” and how they have been burned in the past with not a lot of value or return on their change investment. CUE-X works with data and insights to show you your change, where its working, where there are opportunities to improve and how you can continue to measure your journey. 

This is not “fluff’ or “comms” it is real change, with real measures. From customer/user/employee feedback, to leader insights, change maturity, change fatigue and many other change measures CUE-X will utilise to tell you where your change is and what you need to be successful. 

CUE-X can set up a complete set of change measures and metrics, providing you live dashboards that can show experience, issues and really track the change effect. 

This is not just a survey but a set of tools and measures that you can compare overtime and track the benefits of the change. This is a product that is developed with the organisation so that it is a set of metrics that are bespoke for your organisation and your digital change. 

CUE-X is founded on data driven insights and change. It is our passion, and our desire that all leaders have the same focus, insights and data to help them make the best decisions about their change programs. . 

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Explore More CUE-X Products

  • Leading Change for Digital Transformations

  • Complimenting and Supporting Digital Change

  • Change Programs to Increase Cyber Security and Safety Culture

  • Presentation Skills, Pitches and Presentation Development

  • Change and Communication Through Industrial Change

  • Mentoring, Support and Development

  • Change Management Assurance

  • Program/Project Change Management Services