Q4 23 Market Update – Canberra Consulting Market

Six months ago, we thought the Federal Government market was tanking. The new government was making their mark, talking about big change, the overall market conditions were shaky at best, the cost of living was sky rocketing, interest rates were rising and the war was continuing.

These conditions remain, however there is a feeling of opportunity ahead, but you need to work for them and be creative.

The breaking news of consultants in Canberra has created rockiness across the market. The news headlines of major consulting firms (the biggest in the country) taking advantage of government trust has created a bad flavour in the consulting world… however there is opportunity for smaller, more specialised and value base consulting organisations. This is not an industry wide problem!

Market Outlook: 2023 has been watchful and careful market with ups and downs.

The uncertainty remains, but this is somewhat the environment we live in, so it is a known and something we live with. The changes and reputations of some of the big consultants has created opportunities for smaller up-coming and specialised organisations. This is exciting for organisations like CUE-X and the people we work with.

There are still good opportunities around. There is no doubt the market has changed and shifted. Last year, the talent market was hot and you could choose your opportunity (and price). Now it will take time, to wait and select the opportunities that are best fit. For consultants the projects are smaller, more specialised and more capability based with a clear focus on driving a better APS.

For those in the APS this is your time! There are huge opportunities for those up and coming, and loyal who have been in the public service and want to make a name. There are also opportunities for those in the private sector who want to shift to the public service. It may be at a reduced rate, but the opportunities to work on major projects with big budgets that can add value to the nation are everywhere. More than ever the public service is investing in talent.

We are all for this! I think consultants can sometimes get overconfident and think they are indispensable. We like working side by side with the APS and ADF because it is investing in the longevity and sustainability of the organisations you are trying to help. There is absolutely a place for consultants and APS/ADF working side by side. Our job is about driving value, capability and improvement for the clients we work with. It’s not about creating the next opportunity, more seats or land grabbing. Its about leaving the organisation better than when you started with enduring capability.

Looking ahead we see the big scale, large team based programs to be fewer and far between, and the more nimble, fast, cost effective programs to emerge across government. They want fast bang for buck, showing wins quickly for small investments. Small steps towards big change. This is consistent with the private sector that has been on this pathway for years.

For contractors and consultants there are opportunities but you have to work for them. The market has rays of light, and government will continue to invest in digital programs and projects to improve the citizen and user experience. This is a necessity of government that drives experience, reduced costs, efficiencies and productivity.

We are bullish about the opportunities ahead. The market and work in government has and will continue to evolve, but for those that can see and position for this change, there are many opportunities ahead.

CUE-X is a Canberra based digital change management consultancy working with government clients. CUE-X specalisies in digital transformations working side by side with government to deliver big change. If you are looking for your next opportunity to drive change reach out to the CUE-X team.

Dan Marks

CEO CUE-X Group, Canberra, Australia

About CUE-X

CUE-X has a team of experienced consultants and contractors that work across many of the major federal government agencies. CUE-X specialises in the advice, delivery, management, recruitment, training and development of ICT programmes, voice of customer, customer data, business transformation, programme management and organisational change. Dan Marks is the Chief Executive Officer of CUE-X and has more than 20 years experience across government, Australian and global organisations. Dan is based in Canberra and works in government across major ICT program delivery. For more information go to www.cue-x.com