Change Management Insights with Dan Marks

Dan Marks is a change maker. Dan lives and breath change. From family to work life, Dan is driven and passionate about changing the world for better. The Organisational Change Management (OCM) insights are about sharing his learnings, experiences and life managing change in large organisations.

Dan is a simple no non-sense, change geek, that likes to be in the middle of change in organisations. When most leaders and teams run and try and hide when things get tough, Dan rallies and calmly responds, understanding the challenges that people experience when going through change.

Dan has been involved in many major successful and not so successful digital transformations. These insights are about sharing what he sees and feels in the world of ICT change. Feel free to reach out to him on LinkedIn, provide feedback, suggestions for more ideas or to simply let him know what you think.

Setting Up & Maintaining Quality Change Networks

The key things you need to know and think about in developing and maintaining your change network. A change network is critical to helping provide you early change insights and help influence leaders and teams involved in the change. They can so easily fall over if they are not set up for success and provided the right incentives to be engaged.

Business Partnerships & Relationships

Many of my learnings of starting up a business and the desire to work with your mates and people you trust and know. The journey I have taken in our business, what I have learnt about people and myself in creating our business and the people we work with.

The Golden Nuggets of Giving and Receiving Feedback

The key area that has helped me grow more than anything as a change manager and person is feedback. Just as important though is giving feedback. Working out how to best deliver it is key to getting an outcome of value. Check out Dan’s tips for giving and getting feedback.

The Critical Point of Any Change: Post Go-Live

The most critical part of digital change. Think beyond day 1. There is always so much effort to get to go-live, but the real change work begins from day 1 onwards. How you manage issues, the relationships you have in place that will be needed as issues arise and tensions begin.

Stakeholder Engagement

One of the most common areas blamed for poor change. Stakeholder engagement caused by low trust and bad relationships. Making it real on what stakeholder management and engagement is all about and the key things for you to consider in your digital projects.


Dan Marks from the CUE-X Group talks about the much feared and awkward subject of networking. Learn how to develop the skills necessary to successfully connect with people and maintain relationships within teams whilst developing your career.

Change Insights & Learnings from SAP Implementations

After many years of being involved and driving change in ERP transformations including many SAP implementations, here are some quick insights on key change considerations. From working with SAP, keeping it simple, and having change people that get ICT and SAP, there are a number of key combinations needed to drive successful change.

The Unicorn Change Manager

Good change managers are hard to get and keep in your team. What do you need to be a good change manager. Energy, interest, intrigue. How to engage with technical teams and get the best out of technical people. You need to be able to build and maintain relationships through the good times and bad. See what Dan thinks is needed to be a good change manager in the ICT landscape.

The Change Commitment Curve

Dan Marks from the CUE-X Group talks about how to answer and discuss the question you may get asked – where do you think we are on the change curve? Each one of the change phases requires specific change activities. And don’t be afraid of anger or depression. Most changes will go through this. As Change Managers and Change Leaders our role is to harness it, reduce it and take people through the process so that they accept the change and embrace it for its good and bad!