Industrial Relations

Most digital transformations will have an industrial/union element to the change. CUE-X has worked along side HR and IR/ER teams for more than 20 years. CUE-X has a unique experience, skill and understanding of the industrial environment and the type of change capability required to manage the environment. 

CUE-X has led and developed consultation and engagement programs for significant shifts and market changes. From digital and automation changes, CUE-X understands how to lead these major changes and the consultation process required to engage the workforce, unions, representatives and other important stakeholders. 

CUE-X has designed and executed communication programs for some of the largest transport and logistics organisations, working with most major unions in Australia. CUE-X understands the value that a consultation program directly with employees can improve employee relations and union engagement. 

CUE-X has led change and communication programs for numerous industrial disputes, agreement negotiations. Speed is one of the most critical factors in this engagement. CUE-X can bring a focussed effort to your union engagement and consultation with your workforce and interested stakeholders. This is one of the most critical factors for controlling and managing the message. 

This requires specialist knowledge, expertise, and CUE-X has years of experience of this environment. 

Get in touch to discuss making a change in the way you deliver digital projects!

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