Our Team

The CUE-X team is dedicated to helping your enterprise customer or citizen transformation become the measurable success it should be. Reach out to us for a complimentary, no-obligation in-house executive briefing with your business sponsors, and let's explore where we might add exponential value to your existing or planned "stakeholder" and "experience" initiatives.

  • Kristy Marks

    General Manager

    Kristy leads the day-to-day operations of CUE-X People and works with clients and candidates. Kristy is a natural leader who connects with people and gives them confidence in their skills, abilities and career aspirations.

    Kristy is passionate about developing and leading people and is the driver of the training programs CUE-X is building to increase talent in the market and uplift capability for clients.

    Kristy leads a team of recruitment and marketing professionals focussed on connecting with people, building strong relationships, and developing their careers.

    Kristy is an effective communication and relationship builder; she is trusted by people to create the right opportunities and bring people together so they can perform at their best.

  • Michal Grigor

    Operations Manager

    Michal manages and leads CUE-X group's operations & marketing communications, creating and improving practices and processes that ensure consistency and quality customer experience across all business units.

    Michal thinks outside the box to create innovative yet sustainable solutions, inspiring the CUE-X team to push beyond set parameters and comfort zones. Instead, Michal generates enthusiasm and buy-in for "agile" methodologies as the business grows, adapts, and expands.

    Michal develops and produces customer-centric training, webinars, and eLearning courses, working closely with subject matter experts, employees, partners, and contractors to create relevant educational content.

    Michal's integrity, creativity, and dedication to achieving corporate objectives make her a valuable and integral part of CUE-X.

  • Dan Marks

    Dan Marks


    Dan is a high-performing and experienced transformation expert. Dan is also a management consultant, a business owner, recruiter and a board member. Dan has more than 20 years’ experience working in major listed and government organisations.

    Dan leads successful and growing management consulting and talent management firms. These firms service local and global consulting firms and major government agencies.

    In consulting, Dan leads a team of transformation experts focussed on driving customer, citizen, user and employee experience. Dan years of experience in major transformation programs help organisations deliver sustained change and increase transformation capability.

What People Are Saying

“I am confident of Daniel’s ability to contribute and add value to determining strategic priorities. He has the capacity to rapidly scan the environment and focus effectively on trends and issues. Within the Department he travelled extensively to manage relationships with leaders and has developed tailored approaches to ensure they understand the likely outcomes of the capability within their context.”

Leadership Coach for Federal Government Leaders