Cue-X Case Study: NSW Department of Justice

Office of Legal Services Commissioner

NSW Department of Justice incorporates the Office of Legal Services Commissioner (OFLSC), responsible for handling complaints and misconduct allegations against Barristers and Solicitors. 

OLSC provided advice or proposed remediation steps; however, all too often, OLSC investigated severe ethical breaches and procedural errors, pursued legal practitioners to enforce sanctions, and at times instigated criminal charges and managed prosecutions. 

Although NSW led, the program was by necessity a national one as errant barristers and solicitors worked under national legal firms, practiced at other states' courts, and the most notorious individuals deliberately took advantage of "state focused" conduct breaches reporting that could not track their misconduct across all jurisdictional 

NSW Justice contracted CUE-X Senior Partner to lead, and program manage the solution's data requirements, technology design, evaluation, selection, procurement and professional services provider's evaluation, selection and contracting. 

Critical to the program we the ability of one national system to access and amalgamate data from all state's court and Legal Services offices, and despite the name and address vagaries, often deliberate, to create a single view" of individual professional behavior standards.  

While the client's complaints required real-time, automated guided help, the investigation and prosecution aspects did not need real-time information. However, since future defendants were all legal practitioners, the evidentiary trail and proofs had to be of the highest standards and integrity. 

CUE-X Senior Partner and his team of data scientists performed a comprehensive, electronic analysis of all data files from all sources, systems, and repositories. The resulting statistical analysis enabled fully mapped, quantifiable reports on data quirks, contradictions, duplications, and similar issues—these provided the evidentiary basis for proposing high integrity data matching, merging and standardisation business rules.  

CUE-X personnel then investigated potential technologies and solutions that could cost-effectively manage the two-way integration of all source data systems. OLSC needed another method to handle clients' queries and questions, aid through sophisticated logic-driven Web-assisted Interactions and propose relevant solutions. Solutions also had to "case manage" apparent breaches that required further investigation and regulatory action. 

About CUE-X

CUE-X has a team of experienced consultants and contractors that work across many of the major federal government agencies. CUE-X specialises in the advice, delivery, management, recruitment, training and development of ICT programmes, voice of customer, customer data, business transformation, programme management and organisational change. Dan Marks is the Chief Executive Officer of CUE-X and has more than 20 years experience across government, Australian and global organisations. Dan is based in Canberra and works in government across major ICT program delivery. For more information go to