Cue-X Case Study

Data Governance

CUE-X’s leadership team has designed, led and advised on several of the largest data integrity and organisational capability uplifts programs in Australia. In the private sector, this work was pivotal to customer data transformations at major banks, energy, financial services, data bureaus and software organisations. In the public sector this has included telcommunications, justice, education, utilities and local councils across Australia.

These programs had three common yet critical components:

(1) Identify and correct all customer, product and transactional data integrity issues

(2) Establish business rules, governance standards, reporting metrics and quality KPIs and controls to maintain continual high integrity data relevant and accessible to all stakeholders.

(3) Develop and empower personnel, executives and corporate office holders to imbed and manage governance and compliance standards across all relevant data domains.

The importance of data security was illustrated earlier this year, when a major telecommunications provider failed to secure its data well. Critical, valuable customer data was hidden or lost within many millions of phone services billing accounts. Business and government data, often highly sensitive, permeated consumer records. Insights into revenues, fraud practices, credit abuse and other malfeasance were impossible to identify let alone action remedies. Billing and services data resided in disparate legacy mainframes, and all unstructured data.

CUE-X Senior leadership team experience in the database marketing industry development focused around enterprise data consolidation and single view of customer initiatives, prompted the telecommunications company to contract the scope, design, propose and quality control a program of work to:

(1)  Disentangle business from consumer data & merge into respective singles views.

(2)  Identify and rectify every physical service address irregularity to comply with Australia Post standards – and ensure its maintenance to agreed data KPIs

(3)  Identify and link all corporate and public sector entities to parent child relationships

(4)  Identify & append all office holders, senior executives and responsible officers in every public and trading private company using telecommunication services.

(5)  Create and maintain links to amalgamated and consolidated billing revenues, services provisions, supply contracts and services agreements.

(6)  Identify and map every office, building, and the associated telco services attached to every public and private entity above one hundred employees.

(7)  Achieve the above with a data integrity score of 99% accuracy across the top 20% of amalgamated revenue clients that would be identified through the program.

This work that reported into a Director and the CEO was critical to the successful transformation of the telecommunications industry and the future of the telecommunications company of today.

About CUE-X

CUE-X has a team of experienced consultants and contractors that work across many of the major federal government agencies. CUE-X specialises in the advice, delivery, management, recruitment, training and development of ICT programmes, voice of customer, customer data, business transformation, programme management and organisational change. CUE-X is a gold partner of the Customer Data Institute with a team that has deep expertise in customer relationship management, data platforms, governance, privacy and security. Dan Marks is the Chief Executive Officer of CUE-X and has more than 20 years experience across government, Australian and global organisations. Dan is based in Canberra and works in government across major ICT program delivery. For more information go to